Prego molly

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2015
I bought a molly today and I know that she is pregnant and I'm pretty sure she is close to dropping because her stomach is squared so should I turn off the filter now that it is nighttime just in case she drops tonight or will that affect the fish I already have in the tank?

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I'm not sure what I could use

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Do you have a breeder net of an extra tank?

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Yeah I have a 3 gallon nursery with 5 fry in it

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Can you put the mom in there?

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I rather not. My 5 fry are still small enough to get eaten

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I came home today and she was hiding in the plant while my other molly is swimming around fine. Could she be separating herself because she is almost ready to drop?

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That's very likely, although they usually do it during the night. What time is it where you live?
It's 340. I noticed her acting different so I turned off the light and put a towel over the tank. She has started to move a but more and my other female molly has been chasing her around

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You can cover you filter intake with nylons or a very fine netting to keep the fry from getting sucked uo

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I have the filter off right now because they were born last night and I'm not home but I'm going to move them into the nursery when I get home and turn the filter back on

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