Prime and water readings

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 18, 2014
How much does Prime affect the water readings?
If the ammonia reading is still high a few hours after treatment with Prime conditioner ... what does it mean? Does it still give the high reading even if it's treated?
I don't know how to explain it any better :huh:
Hi. There's been some discussion on this in the past (frankly it's too technical and rather over my head). In my experience, the ammonia will still show up in the test but Prime detoxifies it temporarily and binds it into another form. What test kit are you using? Also how high is the ammonia showing? Is this for a fish-in cycle?
Hi. There's been some discussion on this in the past (frankly it's too technical and rather over my head). In my experience, the ammonia will still show up in the test but Prime detoxifies it temporarily and binds it into another form. What test kit are you using? Also how high is the ammonia showing? Is this for a fish-in cycle?
It's the API liquid test kit and yes it is a tank in cycling. I have already Nitrates and very low Nitrites. Ammonia is just not getting down it's getting up. (1ppm) I am changing water every day (30%) to keep it down.
Yes my tank is to full (see my 1st thread) and I am getting a nice big tank on Friday.
I am just really confused about this readings especially after prime.:eek:
Prime will remove chlorines and detoxify ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Even though detoxified, these will still be in your tank and the bacteria can still feed in them. This also means they will show up on your test kit. Prime has their own test kit for ammonia and theirs is the only one that ammonia won't show up on. Prime breaks down after 24 hours so you'd have to redose it or in the meantime do a water change to bring levels down.
Prime convert Free Ammonia NH3 into Ammonium NH4 (less toxic).
BOTH NH3 and NH4 show up on the API test kit.
Therefore, use of Prime will not affect your test results. You will see the ammonia on the test regardless.
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