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No to the fin rot. I have dealt with that on my other fish and doesn't look anything like they. They are in great condition. Fungal infection sounds like the hanging part. Maybe the tail part is ich and it just looks different. I'm sure I'm driving y'all crazy on this post but I am at such a loss for words with all these issues lol

You are not driving us crazy, this is what we are here for! :popcorn:
I hope not! Those are the best pics I can get. The orange one will not stop.
Sorry. I just can't believe salt is good for anything except when I'm mixing it for our 220g reef. Salt is harmful to scaless fish, which is the only kinda fish I own. It burned my African feather fin catfish one time. No thanks. Personal choice.
Salt is harmful to scaleless fish and invertibrae, but it can help fish with problems that have scales.

I am not sure what to tell you regarding those pictures. Someone might have better information. All I can tell you is to keep your water clean, check parameters a lot to make sure those are in check and it should help any problem you have.
Salt is harmful to scaleless fish and invertibrae, but it can help fish with problems that have scales.

I am not sure what to tell you regarding those pictures. Someone might have better information. All I can tell you is to keep your water clean, check parameters a lot to make sure those are in check and it should help any problem you have.

That and iv seen many scaled fish die as well. I believe salt is useless. That's a personal choice. Iv had 0 luck using salt in freshwater for any reason. You use high temp and salt but then ur left with it still in ur tank hiding in ur rocks. U can't get rid of it completely. Keeping ur fish immune system is great shape prevents them from getting it
that's actually not true. its been well documented that salt helps with the healing of the wound on fish, fresh or saltwater. furthermore, most fish will tolerate some salt in the water cuz their natural environment has minerals and whatnot that change the salinity of the water from time to time. most cases of failure with salt could be from other causes or simply the fact that the fish is too terminally illed to fight back the disease. you can't treat an illed person if he or she is too weak for the treatment. most people on this forum would not recommend salt treatment if they've not had some sort of success with it
Also I have a little neon. They prefer cooler temps but seems to be fine at 78. Will raising this temp even more do harm to him?
Salt works and its proven. I'm not gonna debate the salt issue. I've used it and it works, actually works well! I have loaches, clown loaches etc. no issues.

Back on topic. OP, I'm not comfortable saying its ich... Being 100% honest. I'm gonna show those pictures to my buddy who owns a fish shop. Not saying he's the know all tell all but... Another view can't hurt.
That sounds great! Anything can help at this point. I know nothing about fish but I am learning from this site. I have had ich before and like i said. I used meds and it knocked it out immediately. That was before I knew anything about heat and salt. I immediately assumed that's what it was because my yellow fish got it first. And I think it looks like ich. Just concerned because its in that straight line. Idk if that has anything to do with ich or not though. Might just be a coincidence? As for my orange one, it made me think it wasn't ich. Because of the splotches. Although when they got this the first time my bottom feeder catfish had splotches. I assumed it was because he was scaleless? Maybe that's why it looks the way it does on the tail. It's just the one spot that looks like its hanging that concerns me. And I can't get a great pic of it.
Also. I just noticed this. My yellow fish looks like it is exerting poop. But instead of being a brownish string it is white? And almost frazzled and fuzzy looking?!!!!
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