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A protein skimmer creates bubbles in a column of water. The dissolved proteins in your water then stick to the surface of the bubbles as they rise up. At the top the bubbles start to lump together and the proteins form a foam that continues to rise and spill over into a collection cup.
For a 14gal tank you probably don't have room for one even if you wanted one. They are not necessary on such small tanks because you do such frequent water changes. The water changes will remove the proteins. As long as you keep up regular maintenance you should be fine with out.
I know that JBJ (the nanocube company) sells one for under $10 Im not sure how well it works but you could try it out, It would help out your water quality quite a bit
Hey Panza. You don't need it. PWC's will do just fine with our 14 gallons (less actually). They do make them specifically for our tanks though. If you have a local Petco by you I know they sell them. $49. Naaah, forget about it.