Puckering anemone!? What's happening...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2004
I bought a a 6 pound chunk of LR 2 days ago and it has several anemone on it. The largest being about 2" in diameter and the rest, 6 or 7 stalks, about the size of a dime or smaller.

Anyway, I was watching the large one and it went from full spread and standing out to shrinking to a dime size and scrunched/squatted/hunkered down on it self. Kinda like puckering up. It also changed color from it's normal tannish color to a deep purple. The other ones appear fine.

Any idea what is happening to it? Is it normal?

I don't know what kind the anemone are, kinda like a mushroom stalk flat faced with the arms around the outside rim. Several moved around the first night but have seem to stay put last night......
Yeah! That looks just like them. I didn't even notice them on the rock when I bought it but it seems that I find more and more on it everyday.

What does it take to keep it alive?

Hmmmm.... Quick search on the net reveals that these are not desirable things to have. Go figure! Thought I had something cool... :oops:
Time to get out the syringe and lemon juice. :D

I remember my first time I ran across one.. I had bought some macro from an LFS and one of the had detached and floated across and stuck to my hand and I said "oh it's so cute, what is it" and I gently coaxed it to attach to a rock, etc.

LOL when the people here told me what it was I was on a mission to kill my new little "friend" (and did so.. with a syringe and lemon juice) :p

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