Puffer spots

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 1, 2013
Portland, OR
Hi, I apologize in advance for the long post but I'm new to this and wanted to make sure I gave as much detail as possible. I have a 36 gallon fowlr that is about 3 months old now. I bought a porcupine puffer about 3 weeks ago. He seemed very happy at the store however the salesmen did express concern because he hadn't seen him eat yet but we did feed him at the store and he ate so I bought him. In the first 24 hours he was very active but the next he became very lethargic, just staying behind the down tube for the filter rarely moving and not eating the flake food the salesmen sold me. That didn't surprise me after I did some research and discovered that wasn't even close to what he should be eating. I went back to the fish store a few days later and got some silversides which he went for straight away. After about a week of having him home I began to notice a few small white spots on his fins. After extensive research I determined that he had ich. After much debate on wether to try hypo or copper I choose a copper treatment. I don't have a qt or the means to set one up. The treatment that I bought is called ich-x and claims to be reef safe so the salesmen said it wouldn't kill my lr. The salesmen said that is was a good product and they have had rave reviews about it. I began treatment. The directions were to use 5ml per 10 gal. every day doing a 20% water change at treatment time which I did for 3 days. After the third day the puffer actually looked like it was getting worse. The product said that as a dip you could dose at a rate of 10ml per gallon for no more than 30mins. In fear that I was losing my fish I decided to try this aggressive step by dipping him along with my other 3 damsils in 2 gal. of freshly made saltwater with 17ml of the medication for 20 mins. Then returned them to the tank. Also based on advice from my lfs I had be pressing garlic oil on to their food. The next morning I discovered that I had lost one of the damsils and my puffer looked much much worse. The spots on his fins had multiplied he now had spots on his skin and his eyes are now cloudy. I can only infer that this may not be ich. I cleaned the entire tank including the filter and did a 80% water change and stopped the ich-x treatment. It has been over 2 weeks since the first spots were seen. He is still covered in small white spots and still has cloudy eyes but his appetite is just fine and he is not as lethargic as he was during and before the treatment. Can anyone shed some light on what this could be. I have spent hours online reading about marine fish diseases and can't figure it out. He has no redness anywhere, no rapid breathing, his fins are fully intacted, aside from the cloudiness his eyes are fine and the other two damsils in the tank appear to be happy and healthy. Thank you for any help


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Your tank is way too small for this porc. I would return this fish or get a 125+ gallon tank.

Do hypo to get rid of the ich.
Just do hypo. And stop listening to your lfs advice. Clearly they dont care about your tank or your happiness. Slowly ( slowly) bring the sg down to 1.015 (i believe thats the right lvl, its late and i cant remember) and hold it there for 2-3 weeks. Then slowly bring it back up. I hate to say this, but you really need to consider taking the puffer back. Your tank unfortunately isnt anywhere near big enough for him
Thank you guys for your advice, like I said I'm new to this and learning lots everyday. I will do the hypo treatment. I asked as soon as I noticed the spots if I could take him back and they said no. I am very disappointed that I have to get rid of him but more so that my lfs didn't steer me away from buying him considering they knew my tank size. Guess all I can do now is cure the ich problem in the tank and then find a new home for him.
Youre best off to research the fish yourself and just tell the lfs to order whateve fish you want. There will come a time when you know enough to difereniate between good and bad advice, until then i just would ask here rather than the lfs
Thank you again, you guys have been very helpful. One last question. I've read that in doing the hypo treatment I will have to watch my ph very carefully. I am a pool guy so I am very familiar with the use of bi carb to buffer ph but how much should I be using. I am used to using tables based on 1000g increments. Is there a site with a table for the smaller increments that I will be using.
Ph tends to become more and more unstable the lower the salinity goes. I wouldnt start dosing right off the bat. Just wait and keep an eye on the ph. Then dose if necessary
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