Purchased a new 55 Gallon tank, Id like some advice!!

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Dan Seact

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 15, 2009
Western Ny
Decorating it
My mom collects drift wood.
Would it be alright to place them in the tank?
Do I like have to boil them or something?
As well as any rocks, what sort of things do I have to do to prepare them for the tank?

Also should I go with an undergravel filter or a canister filter?
Id rather go with the undergravel as it dosnt cost around 100 dollars.
But I read somewhere that cichlids need the canister type.

After readying jdboys topic (where he asked for help stocking a 150 gallon tank) and Ive came up with these.

14- Neon Tetras
7- True Rummynose Tetras
7- Harlequin Rasbora
4- German Blue Ram
2- Bolivian Ram
2- Koi Angel
2- Common Pleco

Could I go with more fish or do you think they will all do fine together?!

And ive started my fishless cycle!

Thanks in advance ^_^
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I'd be weary of where the driftwood was collected from. At the very least I would boil it multiple times, scrape with a wire brush and let is soak for a long while to get the tannins out of it. As far as rocks go, there is a test you can do, pour some white vinegar on it, if it bubbles up, don't use it. This method is not fool proof so do some research on the type of rocks you are planning on adding.

Filters.... don't even consider the UGF, get a canister. I've never used them before but UGF's are horrid. They do more harm than good I think.

As far as the fish, it seems a bit much, especially the 2 common plecos, they can get quite large. Also, the tank will have to be established for quite some time and have some really stable parameters if you want to have a chance at keeping GBRs. I'd also make sure you get a quality line of them. I got two that were pumped full of hormones (i'm sure) and they died within two weeks. All parameters were fine for them, just stopped eating.

Sounds like you are on the right track with the fishless cycle, let us know if you have any other questions. :)
Well the drift wood right now is outside in the snow kinda stacked in a pile. I think she plans to use it in the garden.

I took a peice out that I liked, too big to boil it so i stuck it in the bathtub with near to boiling water.
And it floats, if I submerage it long enough will it eventually sink?
How long would it take?

I have another mature tank. Im going to take some of its gravel in a new sock as well as some plastic plants to put in my 55 gallon, to speed up the cycle alittle.
The driftwood will take days, weeks, maybe even months to sink. It really depends on the wood. I've heard of people with pieces in their tank for several years that will float if not anchored. Usually people weigh them down by using slate, drilling a hole in the slate, into the driftwood.

I had a few pieces of grapewood (thought it was malaysian, or so i was told) that took well over a month to finally sink. Even at that point it still leached a good bit of tannins into the water column. Once the water finally got clear enough for my liking, the wood was rotten and falling apart. I would stay away from grapewood if at all possible. NOTE: I don't want to start another thread arguing about grapewood. I'm just giving my personal experience.

I won it!!
Canister filter for tanks up to 180 gallons, 320 gbh.
It has four trays, and comes with everything.
When I get it, it says that I can just hook it up and go! :O

My gf liked when I first started getting back into fish, and now shes having second thoughts.
Shes like dont you think this is kindve a waste of money :x
tisktisk she will change her mind again once shes seeing fish, its all she cares about x.x
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