python vac question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 5, 2008
I have been using a python 25' vacuum for ny 55 gallon with PFS substrate. The problem I am having is it doesn't seem to pick up all the waste and other particles from the top of the sand. If I put the vac in the sand everything gets sucked including the sand, but the waste just falls back out. And if I leave the vac just above the sand, some waste gets picked up, but some other just swirls around and drops.

Would using a smaller diamter vacuum work better, or is it because of not enough water pressure from the sink? I am running from a slop sink in the basement whcih does not have the greatest pressure.

I know they make vac attachments for sand maybe look into that other than that it could be the water pressure and a smaller diameter hose would increase pressure in theory, so it should work if you need to go that route.
I too have been dealing with this issue.
For the summer I have been draining mine into buckets to use on my plants outside because we are on water restrictions. Point is though, whether I use the python or hand pump siphon, I cannot pick up the waste properly. So this weekend I made a little trip to home depot and purchased a smaller diameter (think it is 1/2 inch) refrigerator water line tubing and a connector to attach the vinyl tubing of the syphon that I removed the 2 inch diameter end from and an 18 inch piece of the refrigerator tubing. It was pliable enough to set in the sun and make kinda straight but still stiff enough to maneuver around in the tank... And walla! Clean as a beachfront!
Try turning the water up higher. Also, make sure ur drain is completely open.
thanks for the replies.

Ram 897 - with the new set up - are you draining it into buckets or did you splice it somehow with the python to still use the suction from the faucet?
I did not splice the python. I am right now using an aqueon siphon with the bulb pump and removed the large diameter tube and replaced with my refrigerator tubing. I am emptying into buckets right now so I can use on my rosebushes(they look awesome)
This winter I may see if I can adapt my python but right now I just use the python to refill the tanks.
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