Quaratine for Corals?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 17, 2003
Tustin, CA
We have a 29gal tank w/ LS & LR and some livestock (13-15 various snails, 14-17 blue leg hermits, 2 scooter blennies & a green star). We're thinking of getting some corals but are we supposed to put them in a quarantine tank for a ceertain amount of time similar to fish or can we just add them to our existing tank?

I've found one link that does say we need to quarantine them but no one else seems to say if they have or not.

Thanks for your help!

I have never quarantined a coral. Most will recommend quarantining in order to reduce parsites that may come in on the coral and infect your fish. While it is possible for a parasite to hitch a ride on a coral or live rock, it isn't likely. I have never experienced a parasitic infestation after introducing a new coral.
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