Quesiton for CirXsi

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 25, 2004
Milwaukee WI
I read your response to my quesiton on the 75 Gal tank on ebay. You said you new the seller???? Are these tanks brand new? are they in good condition? Seems liek a steal whats your personal opinion? Does he have a large suply??? I am so in the market for a 75 gal tank but i want to make sure i get the best deal and the best quality. Any info you have would be awesome

p.s. Are you the seller :) HEhehehe

No, unfortunately I'm not the seller. :lol: I wish I had six 75 Gallon aquariums to sell. I'm not sure if the one that you would pick up would come out of the LFS, or the warehouse. I'll tell you what though. I'll call the manager of the LFS tomorrow and see if he knows. If not, he can call your seller. (Your seller is the owner of the store. I know the manager) If you can take the one off the showroom floor, I don't see a problem. But if he wants you to pick it up from the warehouse (or whatever it is) I'll see if I can go take a peek at it for you. I'll get back to you tomorrow night with what I find out.

PS I do know that everything in the store is new product.
I left a message with the seller just now asking the basic questions. The manager at the LFS said that the seller was not feeling well today, so it may be a day or two before I hear back. Don't worry about the time of the auction though. He's had this constantly listed (as far as I've seen) for the last 4 months. The auction I'm sure will pop up again. The LFS does not get restocked from the warehouse. They get their product from somewhere else. It sounds like the warehouse (by the voice mail greeting) in strictly internet. However, the LFS has 2 of these in stock in the oak, new in box. They're priced for $10 more, and he even said that he might be able to dock half off the difference ($5). But it sounds like normally, eBay people would have to go pick up at the warehouse. I will confirm more when I hear back from your seller, including if they are also new in box. Feel free to also contact him through eBay's "ask seller a question" link. You might get a response before me.
All right. I spoke to your seller. You would actually pick up the tank at the LFS. Like I said, he's got 2 oak in stock. The eBay quantity number only changes if the buy-it-now option is clicked. It doesn't update for in-store, non-eBay purchases. If you want black, that's not a problem. He gets All-Glass shipments every Thursday. But once you buy-it-now, and your transaction is completed, the tank does go on hold in the store. And like before, everything is new-in-box. Any other questions, let me know.
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