Question about Filters

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2014
I currently have a tetra whisper 10 on my 10g aquarium. I want to upgrade to a aquaclear 20. I am about halfway through the process of cycling the tank. When is the best time to upgrade the filter? Also, how is the best way to go about doing it? I don't want to lose any of the good bacteria that is growing. Should I wait till the cycle is completed to upgrade? Thanks for any advice!
You can upgrade now. In fact I would do it now as part of the cycling so you won't have to deal with it after all the waiting to cycle is done. Just BE SURE and transfer all the filter pad media from the old filter to the new AC. You can cut off the fiber part that is starting to get the BB on it from the whisper and stuff it with the filter pad in the AC. OS.
You can upgrade now. In fact I would do it now as part of the cycling so you won't have to deal with it after all the waiting to cycle is done. Just BE SURE and transfer all the filter pad media from the old filter to the new AC. You can cut off the fiber part that is starting to get the BB on it from the whisper and stuff it with the filter pad in the AC. OS.
+1 on this, or you could just run them in tandem for a while than remove the whisper...
Yup +1 to both OS and Brook. Definitely move the filter now since not that much BB has developed as it would if you waited longer. And I would just move the whisper's filter pads into the AC 20 to conserve space.
OK great! This weekend I will be buying a new one!
I used the Whisper 10 filter and then upgraded to an HOB. Just remove the sponge and the filter cartridge and fit them in the new HOB. I cut mine off the plastic holder and removed the carbon. Then just put the floss in the new filter. Wait a month or so and then remove the extra stuff.
Great. Thanks for the replies! The cycle is about halfway done. My ammonia started to drop and I was getting nitrite readings of 5ppm. Today is a good day.
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