Question about light?

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Im going to start this post by saying the advice im going to give is a really bad way of determining this, but its probably the best we can do unless you are prepared to buy the light, get a par meter and test the fitting, which would be OTT for what you are trying to put together.

I cant find anything on your light fitting that is useful towards its ability to growing plants apart from it saying its good and its wattage, 7w.

Using wattage is a very bad way of determining the amount of light you need for an aquarium, but prior to LEDs 2 to 5 watts per gallon was considered a good range for growing plants. If we assume that an LED uses 1/3 of the wattage that an old fashioned non LED light does for the same output, then we can assume this light is equivalent to a 21 watt non LED fitting. At 2 watts per gallon for low light demanding plants, this light fitting would be suitable for around a 10 gallon tank.

This is a very rough and ready calculation, knowing lumens would be better, measuring par better still.

The tank you are looking is 20 to 25 litres? So say 5 or 6 gallons. The light you are looking at should be fine for low demand plants.
I was worried it might ''burn'' the plants,i won t use co2.
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