Quick shrimp death

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 23, 2013
I just tried adding 3 small shrimp (I believe rock shrimp?) to my seemingly healthy tank. I have 3 healthy neons and a snail. Other than a bit of stringy algae on my wood and plants, all seemed well. The shrimp seemed ok in tank too. They were dead the next morning. So sad. I want to be a good shrimp dad! Why did this happen?! Thanks.
First, did you test your water conditions? Not with strips or pet store testing if they use strips. You need a liquid test kit like API Freshwater test kit to keep a check on water conditions. Shrimp tend to be sensitive to water conditions. Established fish can get used to a tanks conditions but new additions will die. Different shrimp need different conditions so read up on whatever one you want to keep. Test your water and post the results and we can help you more.
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