R.O Right gives pH, if you use a ton

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 11, 2008
I had a 10 gallon in which I used 100% R.O. water. At the time I was even less educated about KH, and didn't even realize that KH is what gives you and stabilizes your pH. Well, then answer me this one...I was told by a local fish store employee that all I needed to use was R.O. Right for my R.O. water. I wondered why when I added it I got no pH, so I kept adding more and more. After at least trippling the recommended amount, I got a pH!

So, why is it that the more R.O. Right you add (in excessive amounts) you eventually end up with a pH??? Has anyone tried this?
If you look at the ingrediants on the label you'll see that carbonates are listed. They are probably just in low enough quantities that it takes more than the recommended dosage to see an effect on the pH.
I am looking but I am not seeing carbonates. Where at on the bottle do you see it?
All I see is 'major salts of sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium'
I was pulling the information from DrsFosterSmith. If you click the more information button, you'll see the note about a small amount of carbonates for KH. I don't have an actual bottle to look at since I don't use RO water.
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