rasbora caught in java wall - urgent

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 7, 2011
Sydney, Australia
hey guys,

I just had to pull a small red rasbora out of the side of my java moss wall, and he's looking a bit out of it.

keeps to himself, is looking like he's trying to find a corner to die in. is there anything I could possibly do? he tried to wedge himself behind the wall again. he looks to have bleeding on his front.

I feel awful. one of the many suckers kept on the sides of the wall came unstuck and he managed to squeeze behind it, and then tried to come out through the wall and got himself wedged in.

pics below.






Water parameters are good. Sadly I think I just have to wait and see if he can heal. It looks to be a physical injury so I don't know what else to do
I'd say clean water is best. The cleaner the water the better, that way infection has less of a chance to set in. Also 0 stress will help him recover quicker. Hopefully he'll be fine I had a fish swim into the filter and I couldn't find it for a day, lost alot of color, looked lethargic but recovered so hope yours turns out the same.
I'd say clean water is best. The cleaner the water the better, that way infection has less of a chance to set in. Also 0 stress will help him recover quicker. Hopefully he'll be fine I had a fish swim into the filter and I couldn't find it for a day, lost alot of color, looked lethargic but recovered so hope yours turns out the same.

thanks sake.

i did a water change just prior and tested all the parameters so all is looking good hopefully (fingers crossed). poor guy. i'll let him be, he doesn't seem to be trying to retreat anymore so hopefully he's less stressed than earlier after i pulled him out.
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