Red Cherry Shrimp and Ph?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 17, 2012
Want to breed red cherry shrimp and other colored freshwater shrimp, but my ph is 8.2. Is my ph going to be a problem? What can I do?
I also have.RCS in pH of 8+. They are fine and breeding like crazy! I never adjust my pH, I like things simple and stable. :)
ocean said:
I also have.RCS in pH of 8+. They are fine and breeding like crazy! I never adjust my pH, I like things simple and stable. :)

That is good to know! What about other colored shrimp? Do you know of they will tolerate the higher ph? I imagine I should drip acclimate these guys to the higher ph? How do you acclimate yours?
I only have RCS, no experience with the other kind. I put my shrimp in a small container, with the water thwy were shipped in and slowly added a small amount of tank water every 15 minutes. When the water was doubled in volume I dumped out half the water and added tank water again, every 15 minutes. Using the drip method is best but I didn't have any extra tubeing at the time.
What feed do they prefer? What is your temp set at? Do they like to hide? Should I get anything special for breeding them?
Ghostriderphoto said:
What feed do they prefer? What is your temp set at? Do they like to hide? Should I get anything special for breeding them?

I feed flake food, shrimp pellets, ect. They eat everything! My temp is set at 80* and I have alot of java moss in the aquarium, the shrimplets seem to hang out in it until they grow some and aren't considered a meal from the other fish. Otherwise the shrimp are in view all the time.
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