What kind of shrimp is this?

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Aiken Drum

Site Team
Apr 10, 2019
Derbyshire, UK
New to the shrimp keeping side of things.

Bought 6 red cherry shrimp, and a couple of extra shrimplets got caught in the bag. One has clearly developed into another red cherry shrimp, but the one in the video is clearly is a different kind.

Im sure someone can identify it for me.

On a side note, some of my shrimp have successfully molted, and i noticed one of them was berried this morning. So that all looks positive and im hoping for some new shrimplets shortly.
The shrimp is swimming away and I can't see the front well enough...

So, in some cases mixed breeding (Neocaridina) may spawn tan or clear (can also be bluish or bluish grey, or just a hint of pink) fry. But it could be a plain ole grass shrimp. Many times when shrimp are wild harvested, there are more than one type getting scooped up.

Does it have any stripes, or dots, black, brown or red /orange, a long nose/ rostrum
a sharper angle on it's abdomen segment (Ghost shrimp)?

All the common names like grass, glass and ghost shrimp, just refer to the clearish light tan body and not really a species. Amano have stripe dot female and dots male.
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I wish there was a still shot of it from a side profile. It doesn’t strike me as a true Ghost shrimp - I used to breed them and it just didn’t ring that bell. But I could not get a good enough look at it in the video.

I wonder if might be C.longirostris, which do not get as big as true Ghosts (Palaemonaetes paludosus) but are excellent algae eaters and becoming pretty popular for that reason.
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