Red myrio hates me

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 16, 2013
Keep wondering what I'm doing wrong for red myrio, tried more co2 more lights, cooler water warmer wAter,, in a world where the golden nesea is fine and myrio is dying...I dose very little extra fert, I'll have to up it soon. Any ideas? Also dwarf baby tears keeps floating and growing like a weed, is it hard to plant it in mts yourself or can I hairnets the bugger like riciia? Haha

It's almost died on me now


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You know sometimes plants just don't like the water chemistry in the tank it's in. Even in my 220g with a nutrient rich substrate, very high light, CO2 and liquid carbon, plus dosing dry ferts daily some plants just don't want to grow and thrive. I can't explain why exactly but I just check them off my list of what won't work in that tank. I know that's not an answer you want to hear but it does happen.

HC is a bugger to keep down and looking nice. You can try anything and if it works to keep it planted then that's great.
thanks so much River :) nice to know even our godly Rivercats, seriously makes me feel better ! has some plants who say no too hehe. i have alkaline water i guess im hoping someone here will say ooh Red Myrio works in my acidic soft water, i have harder mineralized well water, though i can get discus to breed in it plants are pickier it just wasnt loving anything i did !!
How are you injecting co2? What's your fertilizer regimen? Do you have any pictures of the myrio?
dosing ei, and i have pressurized co2 i just keep it green to the drop checker sticker, im not actually exactly sure how much i is im guessing 3 bubbles per sec....guess but its a low bioload couple of angels, guppies, bala shark (small angels and im overflowing with guppies hehe they wont touch them though i spoil them food wise)
You know sometimes plants just don't like the water chemistry in the tank it's in. Even in my 220g with a nutrient rich substrate, very high light, CO2 and liquid carbon, plus dosing dry ferts daily some plants just don't want to grow and thrive. I can't explain why exactly but I just check them off my list of what won't work in that tank. I know that's not an answer you want to hear but it does happen.

HC is a bugger to keep down and looking nice. You can try anything and if it works to keep it planted then that's great.

yea its weird.. i had some green myrio which i loved the look of and it just stunted and melted on me. i am growing hard to grow plants but the myrio just melted so i would have to agree. there has to be a reason but i just chalked it up to wont grow in my tank
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