red spots on cherry barb

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 3, 2008
one of my female cherry barbs has got many red spots and some are joining up in a line and some looks like bruises

non of the others have them but one other female seem to have really light red spots

any ideas?

Unfortunately we need more infomation. What size tank, parameters, tankmates? What is the water change schedule and how much each time. When was the tank set up and has anything been added new? Is there any other behaviours such as breathing rapidly?
well its a 15g that has been set up for about 1 1/2 years,
2 thick lipped gourami
6 cherry barbs (2 male, 4 female)
5 serpae tetra
4 mickey mouse platys

the mickey mouse platys are new as i only got them last thurday(7 days ago) but they looked and look fine and bright.

i only have test strips but they read nitrite 0 but nitrate is high at about 80, but some say they are not correct,

weekly water changes at about 20l (2 bucket full each time) put anti chlorine, anti hair algae and plant food, vaccum once/twice a week deepening on how messy it is.

it is mediumly planted.

the filter is an elite stingray but it gets covered in a load of crap each week and it keeps stopping for a few seconds then shooting off again! so i might change that soon.

the infected female hasnt really swam around that much just sits and hovers behind a plant. i have noticed what looks like little bits of skin hanging offf but not like dropsy where the scales are all spiked out.

hope this is enough info;)
It sounds like an external parasite. I would remove her and QT her, you can use a clean rubbermaid container with a heater and air stone if you don't have a QT tank. I would get some medication for parasites, such as Jungle's parasite clear, or jungle's parasite buddies.
hi i have a empty fish bowl that i will put her in with a heater but the red spots are turning in to dark purple marks like a bruise, is it internal or bacterial??

Thanks for your help

If they are appearing as bruises it may still be parasitic or just bacterial. It is extremely tough when you can't see the fish. Have you seen her poo lately? Is it normal or white and stringy? It is sounding more bacterial than parasitic with the new information. A broad spectrum antibiotic would be what I would use.
ok thanks, i will set up the fish bowl and try and find antibiotic medicine

Thanks for your help!
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