REDO!! Low maintenance 25....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
Alright before I get into my questions and ideas I am asking that haters please leave this thread be. If you are completely against low maintenance tanks than please leave this thread! Anybody else is welcome and criticism is welcome if it is constructive criticism that is not anti low maintenance.

Ok now to my actual thread. I work alot and keep pretty busy. I have 3 tanks to upkeep and it has become too much for me (it has to be admitted I am a touch lazy). So I am converting one of my tanks to a low maintenance setup! So here is my list. Things with a ? next to them are things I want advice on.
25 Gallon Tank
2x14 Watt T5
Aquaclear 50 ?
Black Diamond Blasting Sand Substrate
Piece of cool driftwood
pieces of slate
Live plants
?x Scarlet Badis
10x Pygmeaus Cories
?x Otocinclus
Lots of RCS

So I am going to try to get a branching piece of driftwood to use as the centerpiece. I will put some of the slate on the branches and some leaning against them and plants attacked to the driftwood.
I want alot of scarlet badis (and possibly to breed them) along with the otos and pygmy cories. How many of each should I do?
I also am iffy on the filter. I think its a bit big. Would going with a smaller filter hurt the tanks ability to stay low maintenance? I dont change the water often so it still needs to be adequate.
Thanks for any advice and God bless!
A couple things here.
First, you can't really have too much filtration. You can have too much flow in your tank, but with the stock you have it won't really matter. Now to address your stock. I've never owned them so I'm not speaking from experience, but based off of my research, badis are suitable only for species only tanks. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
A couple things here.
First, you can't really have too much filtration. You can have too much flow in your tank, but with the stock you have it won't really matter. Now to address your stock. I've never owned them so I'm not speaking from experience, but based off of my research, badis are suitable only for species only tanks. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
Well I have the scarlets now with other fish and have done so before. You dont think the flow will be too much?
GodFan said:
Well I have the scarlets now with other fish and have done so before. You dont think the flow will be too much?

Well I don't know about the badis. But as far as everything else flow shouldn't bother them too much.
My main advice to you is do not be afraid to add filtration. I like to run two hang on back filters on my 29g planted. It helps tremendously and it doesn't affect effect the fish. more filtration = less ammonia accumulation from fish waste. Also live plants do a lot of natural filtration. So add as much as you'd like, it'll be very beneficial and your fish will love it too. Make sure you have adequate lighting and if I were you I'd dose flourish excel. It's not too expensive and will last you a long time in that tank. You can find it at almost any pet store. Its organic CO2 and will promote plant growth. Get easy plants like java fern and java moss. Water wisteria, amazon sword, anubias just to name a few more. If you go the excel route make sure not to overdose because it will likely kill the shrimp.
My main advice to you is do not be afraid to add filtration. I like to run two hang on back filters on my 29g planted. It helps tremendously and it doesn't affect effect the fish. more filtration = less ammonia accumulation from fish waste. Also live plants do a lot of natural filtration. So add as much as you'd like, it'll be very beneficial and your fish will love it too. Make sure you have adequate lighting and if I were you I'd dose flourish excel. It's not too expensive and will last you a long time in that tank. You can find it at almost any pet store. Its organic CO2 and will promote plant growth. Get easy plants like java fern and java moss. Water wisteria, amazon sword, anubias just to name a few more. If you go the excel route make sure not to overdose because it will likely kill the shrimp.
Thanks :) So even with the low light plants you think I need excel?
I would consider root tabs also, the Flourish ones that I use are supposed to last 3months and my plants grow really well.

Also about the Aquaclear. I have the 70 model on a 29 gallon tank. I just keep it set to the low setting and its fine for my Betta.
As was said above, don't be afraid of filtration.

I have no experince with the fish you want so I can't comment on that.

Best wishes!
GodFan said:
Thanks :) So even with the low light plants you think I need excel?

You have decent lighting. The plants I listed before would do okay. Not great, but okay. If you use weekly fertilizers and excel though you will see wonderful growth and burst of color. I can't say it is necessary for your tank though.
They will only do ok? I dont plan on planting the anubias in the substrate either. It will be attached to driftwood.
Emergent plants will take up large amounts of nutrients/waste from the water. I've had tremendous success with duck weed and riparium suitable plants like peace lilies, syngoniums and pothos. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought you had a tank like this already?
Definitely recommend the amazon sword. I don't use CO2, root tabs or any other fertilizer and I have great growth
I did have a tank like this but it got changed. I am going back to it though!
Amazon swords will outgrow my tank Im afraid.

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