Reef lighting?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 5, 2012
I would like to have most corals in my tank, no sps in my 37 gallon.

I would like to get LEDs but they're expensive, I know about the DIY LEDs but I'm still not sure about them.

MH are out of the question, i have a glass cover on my aquarium and a bracket in the middle of the tank, so if I added a MH my tank would boil and the plastic piece would melt.

T5s seem good but I don't know how many t5s I need, would a 2 piece t5 fixture be enough for what I want?
4 bulb would be best so you could keep your higher light lps and possibly Nems. As for the LEDs you can get fixtures at pretty decent prices now like the taotronics for $200 or less.
I was gonna buy the taotronics however they don't ship to canada :'(
I was gonna buy the taotronics however they don't ship to canada :'(

Aqueon works very good... Comes with 1 bulb and you can add 2 others.. Also has a moonlight on it already... You can either buy it online or get it at petsmart... I think the fixture was $150...
Here's a few photos

Edit: ones salt water the other is fresh water


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