Riccia or Xmas On DW...Help !

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 23, 2011
Hey fish fanatics, I have a small piece of drift wood and I want to attach some kind of loss to it in hope it will attach to it and start to grow so...

Which moss shall I get riccia moss or Christmas Moss and how do I go about attatching it to driftwood ? Please help many thanks
You can use either one.

You can use cotton thread or fishing line to attach moss to the DW. Good luck.
roydooms said:
You can use either one.

You can use cotton thread or fishing line to attach moss to the DW. Good luck.

So would I just spread the moss on the moss driftwood and tie it down with cotton ? Many thanks
JavaMoss said:
So would I just spread the moss on the moss driftwood and tie it down with cotton ? Many thanks

Yes, but Using a cotton thread. Not cotton.
Riccia is a pain IME. It never attached for me, and until I put it in high light, it started dying all of a sudden. I have some floating in my 125 and it's doing great, but wouldn't grow in my 40 breeder under 2x39w T5HO
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