RIP Tiger....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
Had a casualty this morning, one of the larger tiger barbs. He was curled around the XP3 intake. I'm just wondering if it was the heat, as I'm still running my temp at 89-90. Thinking of backing it off to about 86-87, til Jan 20, which is 2 weeks from the last sign of ick in the tank. Everything seemed normal last night, and all the fish ate heartily. :)
At 86, the bala and green tiger barb did good, the ick was clearing. But the yoyo? Well, it was increasing and he got bad. I had no choice but to try the higher temp to see, and once I added 1tsp aquarium salt per 10G at the high temp, it began disappearing, ant the yoyo is just as active as the others. Sometimes when they look at me it's like they are saying, yes thanks for killing the ick, but can we please turn the temp down now, lol. :mrgreen:
I turned down the heater a couple notches. Will see where it is in the morning, as this 55G changes temp rather slowly, :)

Between the 2 tanks, down to 59 fish, after the loss of the golden dojo, and now the tiger barb. The fish in my small tank are very active, and the 2 dwarf gouramis seem to be getting along great. An occasional chase, then back to just the relaxed mode. About the only thing I'm worried about is the CAE's. Starting to get a little bigger, and one of them is starting to try to suck on the side of one of the gouramis. Will keep a close watch. I tried to catch them again, and failed, lol. Will just have to wait til I get my bigger net, which I'll be getting with my next order. CAE's are just so fast. They'll be going to my 55G, and will then see if my lfs can order some ottos to replace them in the 26G, maybe 3 of them, since they don't have any in stock.
I can attest to the CAE's being fast. Bruce is my CAE, he is 6" now, luckily he doesn't even attempt to suck on the fish. He still sucks on glass. I think he is just young at heart.
Cool.... Mine in the 26G are 2" and the other is almost 2 1/2". The 2 in my 55G are about 2 1/2" each and don't bother the other fish. It's just the one in my small tank I'm worried about. Think I'll call him Jason, as in Friday the 13th, lol. He's the big brat of the tank. The smaller one just minds his own business, unless he get's chased by the big brat, lol.
sorry to hear about that, wolf....

Too many AA members losing fish, I had to double check mine....(They are all good....for now....only ones that know are the 6 little
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