Rocks and driftwood

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 3, 2004
Colorado USA
On a fishing trip, I found some nice driftwood and rocks at a lake.

I have read the article on driftwood at this site. I have put my driftwood in a bucket, put some rocks on there to hold it down and added bleach to it. I will let it soak for a couple of days and then I will follow the other guidelines of that article.

Feedback from others would be appreciated. If you use found rocks or driftwood in your aquarium, don't hesitate to tell me how you cleaned them. Thanks.
It sounds like you did things right. Make sure you let your driftwood dry in the sun for a few days, rinse well, and let it sit in some dechlorinator for a few days to get all of the cholorine out of it.
Depending on the size of the driftwood, you could boil it. This helps take out all the nasties and then you can soak it in the declor.
i heard boiling it makes it decay faster. i just soaked mine in a sink and forgot about it for about a month. it sank right away when i put it in with my crayfish. :)
I have used found driftwood. My fiance cleaned it by soaking it in a bleach-water in the tub. Scrubbed it with a finger nail brush and then rinsed and scrubbed daily for a many days. I would have done the boiling thing, but these pieces were about 3 feet each.
I never use bleach on porous tank decor. On wood & rock I always boil it. On driftwood this gets the tannins out, helps it sink faster & removes any bad stuff.
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