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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 19, 2004
dallas, Tx
Hello all, I have a 10g tank that pret store employees say is already overcrowded, however all my fish have been happy and healthy for about one year. The tank is heavily planted, and has a bio-wheel. I do weekly changes of 10-15% and add a small amount of salt as needed. My godfather wants to purchase a beta so that he can watch it when he is over at my house. I need to know if my other fish can handle this. I am not worried about what they might to do the beta, as I can always relocate it, I just don't want to upset a thriving community. Thanks for any advice. Ahren
What type of fish do you have in your tank? I have seen Beta's in comunity tanks. I even thought about putting my step son's in one of mine but my fish are to agressive for it. (O:
10g; heavily planted
5 tiger barb
3 rosy barb (2 dark red, never seen em this color anywhere else)
1 opaline gourami
1 rainbow shark
i would say no, simply b/c the barbs are going to get to about an inch and a half, the shark will get between 4-5 inches, don't know about the other two but i'd imagine they'll be over an inch as the very least. it's best to stick to the 1"/gal rule, although there are some fish that need more than that because of territorial behaviors.
i would say no, simply b/c the barbs are going to get to about an inch and a half, the shark will get between 4-5 inches, don't know about the other two but i'd imagine they'll be over an inch as the very least. it's best to stick to the 1"/gal rule, although there are some fish that need more than that because of territorial behaviors.

No to menton that the tiger barbs are notorious for being fin nippers. they ran my long finned rosy barbs ragged when they were all smaller. I had to separate them for a while. LOL..

I'd also recommend against it...but not for overcrowding reasons. Tiger Barbs are notorious fin-nippers when it comes to long-finned fish like Bettas. I'm afraid you'd end up with a finless Betta before long. Oh....regarding your dark red Cherry Barbs....chances are you've got two males. They develop a RICH red color, unlike the females.
Thanks for the info on the rosy's. As to the beta, if you don't think that overcrowding would be a problem, I may try to introduce one and just keep an eye on the barbs, they tend to stick to themselves now. And if they did start nipping, I have a 1g tank I could temporarily house the beta in.
There's like a 99% chance the tigers will nip at the betta, mine are so mean that they nip at my juvenile cories(not even an inch yet) and their fins are tiny. why not just get a 1gal with a heater? That would be fine for a betta
I would not chance it with the betta and the barbs. They could be fine one evening and the next morning, the betta will be finless--I've seen it happen!
Thanks fore the advice, everyone. The reason I did not want another tank, especially a 1g, is my godfather specificalyy requested not to have a tiny little tank with just the beta. He likes to look at my tank where it sits on the wet bar beside his seat at the kitchen table and wanted to see his favorite fish included. I suppose he will have to get over it if yall think the tigers would maul his beta though.

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