Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dead Rosy Red
I had a Rosy Red that was being a bully and had to get taken out of the tank. The only thing I had on hand was a large vase (1/2 to 1 gallon in size) that I filled with tap water that was about the same temperature as the tank, added two drops of Prime, chased down the fish and immediatly placed him in the vase. I added a little bit of food, and had to leave him for the night.
In the morning, his stomic was bloated and he was floating upside down but still alive and swimming.
By lunch time... he was dead. When I got home, I saw how is stomic had become even more bloated, but not quite to the point of slpitting him open.
What happened? What caused the boating stomic that obviously lead to his death. I know I wasn't happy with this fish, but I honestly didn't think this treatment would kill him. The only thing I can think of that I did wrong was not acclimating him to the new water. But I figured since the tanks were filled from the same water source and I got the temperatures to roughly match there wouldn't be an issue.
Can someone explain what happened so that others might learn from my mistake?
I had a Rosy Red that was being a bully and had to get taken out of the tank. The only thing I had on hand was a large vase (1/2 to 1 gallon in size) that I filled with tap water that was about the same temperature as the tank, added two drops of Prime, chased down the fish and immediatly placed him in the vase. I added a little bit of food, and had to leave him for the night.
In the morning, his stomic was bloated and he was floating upside down but still alive and swimming.
By lunch time... he was dead. When I got home, I saw how is stomic had become even more bloated, but not quite to the point of slpitting him open.
What happened? What caused the boating stomic that obviously lead to his death. I know I wasn't happy with this fish, but I honestly didn't think this treatment would kill him. The only thing I can think of that I did wrong was not acclimating him to the new water. But I figured since the tanks were filled from the same water source and I got the temperatures to roughly match there wouldn't be an issue.
Can someone explain what happened so that others might learn from my mistake?
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