Royal Navy needs help with water!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 12, 2011
Cornwall UK
Hey all just started my aquarium 06/01/11 still early days yet I know. Hi to you all :D I've joined here for a little assistance as a friend gave me the tank and I don't wish to give him the satisfaction of spoon feeding me through the process. (that and I think his tank is boring and risk them looking the same via nagging)

So I have just added 4 small (1"ish) cherry barbs after letting my tank run through for 5 days I added a supplement to kick start the nitrogen cycle and hope this will be the start of a very pretty well kept guppy tank.

Any advice from those with experience is helpfull as websites can often be contradicting!

Very many thanks and happy new year to you all

Yes I understand it, but have been assured through supplement products and hardy fish I can start my biosphere safely and efficiently. I read lots of articles that stated a fishless cycle is an old fashioned and unnecessary folk lore.
I keep reading my last post and think it appears arrogant :( Its not meant to come across this way but information online is often contradicting your help will be appreciated
I didnt take it as arrogant but I did take it as not a good idea. The reason we go with a fishless cycle is for the humane part of it. Dont know why you would subject live fish to sewer like conditions. Alot of fish that go through the cycle dont survive. I personally want you to care for your livestock.
Yes I understand it, but have been assured through supplement products and hardy fish I can start my biosphere safely and efficiently. I read lots of articles that stated a fishless cycle is an old fashioned and unnecessary folk lore.

No it's not. I do understand about the things you have read, but it is really hurting the livestock. The reason for cycling is to get the tank ready for livestock. I made the same mistake when I went from freshwater to saltwater.
Yes I understand it, but have been assured through supplement products and hardy fish I can start my biosphere safely and efficiently. I read lots of articles that stated a fishless cycle is an old fashioned and unnecessary folk lore.
I do believe you have that backwards. its cycling with fish that is old fashioned. Ammonia is highly toxic to fish. Even if they do make it through the cycle, you've caused irreversible damage that can still kill them. It's torture.
Rest assured I had/have no intention of harming livestock. I am new to this and have just followed advice given to me (mainly by my LFS) I'm worried about everything even down to is my current too fast from my filter :S I will keep you all posted and hope my mistakes are only minor.
Welcome to AA.

The others here are giving you great advise.

LFS are universally terrible places get proper advise on starting and aquarium or taking care of the fish they sell you.

Sorry to hear they are as lousy there as they are here.
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