?'s sand critters, misc.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 24, 2009
Hey all new here and had a few questions.
Just started 75 gallon freshwater tank w/ sand sub. , fishless cycling right now as i wait.

Had a few questions wondering if i could get some help

1- are there any snails or other freshwater critters that would help stir the sand but not reproduce like the trumpet snails im really trying to avoid them if i can becaus of their reproduction. I looked at olive nerita snails but couldent find info on wether or not they burrowed anywhere.

2- for filtration i have a marineland magnum 350 and some other 40 gallon HOB filter. I got the HOB filter to help w/ both filtering and aeration. My question is, is that enough aeration? should i get a powerhead to move more water. Have no air pump or air stones at all ut with the cannister and the hob filter it seems to be flowing pretty good but was curious.
Welcome to AA! :)

1- Other than MTS, it's pretty slim. Kuhli loaches will work if the sand is fine enough and they're compatible with the other fish you plan to stock. IME, the snails won't overpopulate as long as you don't overfeed and have good maintenance habits.

2- Your HOB should provide enough aeration as long as the temp is maintained well (less O2 the warmer the warmer).
thanks for the replies...guess i will consider the loaches, im not worried about doing the work moving the sand every now and then, im worried about places i may not be able to get to, like under the rock i put in the tank, i dont really want to move that bec. i dont want to disturb the sand that much other than poking it around with a stick during my water changes..and i know snails or something would dig it up and get in there...hence the question..but thank you...:D
Yep I agree with HN1.

However I have found that kuhlis can live with most fish that are semi-aggressive to community labeled.

I do have to advise though Kuhlis will eat MTS' I get about 3 dozen a month and always have only 3 left at the end of each month.

I do not have sand anymore due to some unforseen reason as to why it wouldnt ever compact in the slightest and think thats what lead to my ammo spike as well.

If you are keeping aggressive fish check out the FIRE EEL, they are great burrowers and can live even with red devils.
yeah kuhlis will try and squeeze through anything. mine squeeze through the tinyist little spaces they can. mine r still juvies though. i also have sponges over my intakes to so luckily they cant get through
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