Safe Nitrates?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 14, 2013
I am new to the APi Testing kit and actually testing water chemisty. I have two tanks and both have the same water chemistry. One is a 10 gallon tank and the toher is a 5.5 gallon shrimp only tank. Both tanks are live planted. The 10 gallon has DW the 5.5 gallon doesnt have any but has little ceramic shrimp caves and IAL. I do 25% water change every Sunday.

These are my water levels for both tanks as of 10 minutes ago.
Ammonia: 0
NitrAtes: 20 -40
PH: 8.0

So I know for sure everything is safe except the Nitrates. What is a normal level for Nitrates? What is safe? I knwo the really important ones are ammonia and nitrites which are none existant but what is okay for Nitrates? I cant tell exactly where it is color wise but its either 20-40 def not higher than 40.

So what is safe for fish?

What is safe for the shrimp?
Well 40 is kind of an reddish orange so do I read it as red or orange? lol.

And do I read the colors agaisnt white or just as they are kinda tnraslucency with no background becuase I have noticed that kinda changes the color a bit. Like with not white behind it it ends up looking more orange and 20 ish and then with white paper behidn ti it looks a little closer to 40.

I swear I am going to drive myself insane with this test kit lol.
Hi lower the better,but as i found out only last weekend our tap water contains about 10ppm so its already in the water!! Maybe check your tapwater? If you give the tank a good general clean and remove as much muck as possible and cut down your feeding then you will lower your nitrate levels. Your levels are not too high but ideally it would be good to see them a little lower.
My tanks = five planted = 20 ppm
Six foot planted = 30 ppm and this is a brand new set up - weird:blink:
Also yes agree reading the tests is a nightmare:eek:
This is the what info I've gotten as far as Nitrates are concerned. NitrA= acceptable so any amount of nitrates are good even though yours aren't high. NitrI = illness. High nitrites are usually signs of over feeding or to much ammonia in your water. In your case you should be good to go with everything.
Well I am really having trouble telling if It is 20 or 40 ppm. If I hold the test tube against the white part of the card between the strips it looks like 40 but if I just hold up and not against the card it looks more like 20. So I am not quite sure how I should be getting my reading.
I'd really worry about your nitrates when the water color is a deep dark red. If you're in the pink you're safe. When that tube turns red in color put some plants in it to help with that level. I have problems reading it too when you place the water against the card. You can always use the strips but they aren't accurate most of the time from what I've been told. I use both cuz I can never get an accurate reading on my nitrates either with the master kit. Mine comes out reading 160 with the master kit and near 20 on the strips.
I've been wondering about this too as I also have 0 ammonia and nitrites but showing a 20-40 nitrates. Guess I wont worry about it unless it turns red. Fish all seem to be doing well.
There you go. Some times the less you is the best you can do. I had to finally stop messing with all of the ph and stuff and just let the fish and tank do their thing. Fish will adapt to the water when it changes.
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