Sand and snails?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 28, 2003
West Chester, PA
My tank has been running since late June. I have a DSB with silica sand and some live carib-sea sand, couldn't find southdown. My astrea snail died the other day after about two to three weeks in my tank. Everything else is fine and water is of good quality, 3 chromis, 2 damsels in a 55. The two damsels are moving out due to their aggression. I am planning on getting the turbo snails, my friend has them and they are doing well. My sand also moves around a lot because of the power heads, in some places its 2 inches and others probably eight to nine because of the water flow. I don't have all my LR yet, so the sand isn't being held down. Any one have any advice for me, thanks!
Snails are pretty hardy I doubt that your tank had anything to do with it's demise. It may have been sick straight from the LFS. YOu could rotate the power head direction from time to time if sand shifting is a concern of yours
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