sand substrate

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finny al

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 23, 2004
Tuscaloosa AL
I'm setting up a new 37. I've put estes sand in as my substrate. I've gotten nearly all the sand to sink after several days, but it's rather "fluffy" looking on the bottom. Will the sand pack down as bacteria grows in it? Or will it always have that fluffy look to it?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "fluffy". The sand in my tanks has always settled to the bottom immediately after the water was added but I have noticed that it gets a bit more compacted as time goes on.

What is estes sand?
Estes is the brand- they primarily do marine stuff, but this sand said safe for marine or fresh water. It said only to pre-soak and specifically not to rinse prior to adding it to the tank. Basically the look of it is this- it should be about 1.5 to 2 inches deep, but in most of the tank, it sits about 4 inches high. Tonight I'm going to rake it out smooth and see if that helps to compact it. It seems like there is a lot of air trapped in it.
I know exactly what you're talking about, finny al. My Estes sand did the same thing. Give it a week or so and it should look 'normal'.
that's great news Sara! I knew I needed to be patient, but didn't know exactly how long I'd have to wait to see results. :D
I hadn't heard of having that type of trouble with sand in a tank.

I use CaribSea sand in my African cichlid tanks and it always stays at the bottom: the only trouble with it is waiting for the hazy cloud to clear after setting a new tank up.;)
Voodoo Chili, I just learned all about that haze!!! I cycled my tank with a bare bottom, then added the sand this week after being up for 6 months, I was kinda scared for my fishies, but they all seemed to be doing just fine!!!

Thanks, Joshua...
I used Carib-Sea Reef Sand in my 55 African Cichlid setup.
It's nearly a month and the water still hasn't completely cleared. I have tried carbon and purigen. (What I think may have happened is that when the water finally did clear from the sand, a bacteria bloom took its place). I am not terribly worried as each day seems a little clearer than the day before, but.... a whole month? Fish seem happy though, even if the Plec does seem to wear a fair whack of the sand on his head. Jeff
That haze WILL eventually clear up: WHEN can be a big question mark, though. A lot of it depends on how well you've rinsed the sand before adding it. My 55 gallon tank took about seven weeks to fully clear up. I just set up a 20 long and it cleared up overnight. I did a MUCH better job rinsing the sand this time around...

It is worth the wait though. I enjoy the look of sand and the ease in cleaning it vs. gravel, and my Africans love digging and sifting through it.:)
Oh yeah, left that little fact out.
I set this tank up in the middle of the night as an early morning birthday present for my year year old son (and me of course). Rinsing could, let's just say, have been better.
3 more weeks to go! Jeff
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