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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2002
Stonington Ct
just to let you know . next time you buy a pump . check your local marina boat store . they sell saltwater pumps at half the cost of your lfs .I picked up a 900 gph for 89.00 . they also have pex tubing and fittings or cpvc. :D
Saving Money

It really depends on where you are in the US. I can get 2000 gph bildge pumps pumps ( I think this is what you are refering to) for 89.00...Be careful and shop around. I have also seen them much higher...One thing that you want to look for also when choosing a pump, is how far the water has to travel uphill before it reaches your tank. A 900 gph pump on a 5' incline is probably 3-450 gph at best....I could be wrong...however, I do look for that....I found some pumps at Home Depot for around the same price (Not sure if they would last in the salt water but 2600 gph oughta push some water)...Just a thought
You need t make sure the pump is sealed completely, and there is no chance of lubriction seaping into your tank water. It's not a concerne for boats, but a large concern for us.
Not only that, but also, when they crater, they will send metal shavings into your tank. It is my understanding that aquarium pumps are made more of the plastic parts instead of metal.

If anyone has had to have a car air conditioner system replaced, you will
know what I am speaking of, when the compressor goes, metal gets into the system and you have trouble...kind of the same principle.
Are these pumps designed for 24X7X365 operation?

That would be my worry is that the pump might not exactly hold up to non stop running.
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