scumsucker advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 8, 2011
Good Morning,

My tank is doing quit biting the dust (so to speak) - I think we are ready for a scumsucker....What should we put in?

How long as it been since your last fish death?

What size is your tank, what is the current population?

What kind of scum do you need to have sucked?
week since last death - tank is 30 gal -2 mollies, platy and 2 tiny baby mollies...stuff to be sucked: bits of leftover food, green stuff starting to grow on rocks, poop We have 'vacuumed' when we've changed the water (last time on sunday)
Adding a fish to your tank purely for maintenance purposes is not a good idea. Rather, it would be more prudent to determine the root cause of your issues (it sounds like you have some algae growth, and it sounds as if there is food on the bottom which would indicate over-feeding). The best way to keep a tank clean it with regular maintenance. Adding to the bioload does not increase the cleanliness of the tank.

EDIT: Moved this thread to Freshwater and Brackish: Getting Started.
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I agree with fort. Feed less food and you'll have fewer issues with excess food and algae. As for poop, what goes in must come out. It doesn't dissapear when the bottom feeder eats it.

Additionally, I would wait 6 weeks after the last fish death before adding new fish. This would be a good opportunity to get a QT set up for your new arrivals.

I recomend you go to the pet store's aquarium plant display, and look for the most snail-infested plant to take home. Bring that home and leave in QT for 4-6 weeks. Those common pond snails are pretty good janitors, and will breed to the number that matches your tank's bioload.

All bottom feeders will turn excess food and algae into poop. You need another way to remove the end products from the system. You have to do regular bottom vaccuming.
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