Seahorse help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 27, 2013
Hello I purchased two male seahorses a couple weeks ago last week I bought a female, well for the last two days it looks like one of the males is picking on the female. He like push her around and hits her with his snout. I thought this was two males behavior when they were competing for the female not male picking on female. Can anyone tell me why he is doing this and is it normal. Thank you
I always loved seahorses! From what I know both the males and females compete for mates, but the males are more aggressive while the females are more passive. I know that males sometimes fight other males - but they usually never cause any lasting damage. (From what I have read)
As for a male trying to fight a female, I don't know. I hope someone answers your question.
How long have you had seahorses?
Could be a stupid question, but are you sure that the males are males and the female is a female? Perhaps you sexed them wrong? (Like I said could be a potentially dumb question)
I have had two males for about a month or so and the female about two or three weeks and know it's not a dumb question and yeah it took awhile and some research but I'm sure there are two males and a female since I asked the question they seem to be pairing up the male know longer pushes her around they are starting to hang out a lot together. Seahorses are one of the reasons I got in this hobby I had the tank running for about 10 months before I purchased them. I did as much reading as I could and learned what I could now I got them and they seem to teach me things every day. I really want to do this right because my whole family loves them and they are awesome creatures and I want to learn everything I can about them. Thank you for your reply
Awesome thread, how Long did you have them or do you still have them
I only had for a few years. They kept getting that vibrio and I decided I was not going to kill any more. You basically have to keep the water around 70 degrees to keep them alive and thats hard to do around the south here without a chiller.
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