Sebae Anemone question?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 19, 2006
I have a Seabea Anemone, I have had him for about 2 weeks now.
I'm just wandering if this is normal.
Look at the pictures below. He has gone back and forth about 3 times so far. His month seems to have a bubble form and then it deflates. The picture shows it deflated.
Here is what I have for lighting.
Aqualight retrofit
2-96 watt true actinic 03 blue CPF
2-96 watt 10,000k daylight CPF
This is in a 55gal tank.
Any Idea's. water is in great shape.
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
0 nitrate
ph 8.2
temp 80
SG 1.022


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It is normal for anemone to deflate/reinflate with water..however I would suggest that you slowly raise your SG to 1.024-1.025..lower levels are ok for fish, but the corals and anemone really need it closer to natural sea water.
The anemone should not be opening and closing a lot, and, from the color, it is not in great shape. When the anemone is in good health, the color will be a beige shade that will come when it regrows the zooxanthellae that has been expelled.
Until that point, feed it frequently to make up for the energy that isn't coming from the zooxanthellae.
Also, touch it. As long as it reacts quickly and is sticky he's still pretty healthy. I've never really taken color as a great indication.
What do you guys recomed as far as feeding it?
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