Aquarium Advice Addict
I'm setting up a 30gal long tank for a pleco of mine to give him more room, and I've heard that seeding is the best way to set up a new tank, so I put a three-month old filter sponge from my 16gal tall that's been established for about 5 years in the new tank filter.
...Now what?
How long should it take before the bacteria is established in the tank? Should I add ammonia? When would it be safe to add the fish? I'm also expecting a shipment of 25 mixed plants on Tuesday. Will the plants affect the seeding process or vice versa?
Also, I was wondering what other fish would be good in the tank. I plan on transferring 10 tetras from the 16gal.
Thanks for any help!
...Now what?

Also, I was wondering what other fish would be good in the tank. I plan on transferring 10 tetras from the 16gal.
Thanks for any help!