Senegal Bichir tank mates

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 29, 2013
Hey all,

I'm in the process of selling/giving away my current stock in my 55g. I saw a Selegal Bichir in a local shop and think they are suck a cool looking fish. Been doing some research on them and I'm sure I'll like one in my tank but the main question is regarding tank mates.

So far the only fish I MIGHT keep of my stock is an Electric Blue Ram. I would like a small school of fish but they have to be big enough to avoid becoming food. So far I'm thinking Congo Tetras and they apparently come from similar waters in Africa. I've also been considering Tiger Barbs. Thing with both of these species is they like to nip fins and that affects whether or not I can add a Betta or Angel.

Also I have Cory Cats maintaining the bottom right now but obviously they have to go or become food. What is a good janitor to put with a Bichir?

I guess I'm seeking any advice on a workable community with a Senegal Bichir in it as well as a Betta. Had a Betta once once and really miss having one, they add so much character to the tank.

So I managed to sell off all my previous stock and got a Delhezi Bichir, he is super cool and only about 5",I can't wait until he starts to fill out a bit. I decided to add some tank mates over the last week and don't like how it's turning out.

1) Kribensis - added 1 male nearly fully grown, this has got to be the most shy fish I have ever seen or should I say "can't see"? I have a fair amount of wood, plants and rocks and I see the Bichir more than this guy. Probably returning him tomorrow since he doesn't seem to be eating either because he's too busy hiding.

2) Tiger Barbs - they are a great active addition to my tank however they are turning out to be a bit of an expensive feeder fish lol. Over the last few days one has gone missing per day. They are pretty young and small but I figured they are bigger than the Bichir's head but apparently he eats like a snake and I know it's him because of the bulges in his belly in the morning. I'll be taking these guys back as well.

Upon returning those fish I'll be replacing them with Congo Tetras too big to be eaten. Beyond them I am considering a few Pictus Cats. I've been trying to do a little research and even checked some calculators with this community mix and seems to be no problems however I hope someone with Bichir experience can give me some feedback.
Don't keep the electric blue ram the bichir will just eat him. Your best bet is larger peaceful species. I feel like when a bichir gets full size the pictus catfish won't be safe. I would do a school of 6 Congo tetra for the surface, along with a decent sized Cichlid. Look into a Severum, Blue Acara, or maybe jewel cichlids. Make sure whatever you add that you buy them fairly large at 3-4 inches. Or you could look into buying another bichir and do a species tank you could have 2 delhezi bichir or 1 delhezi and 1 Senegal with a school of like 5 Congo tetras.
Don't keep the electric blue ram the bichir will just eat him. Your best bet is larger peaceful species. I feel like when a bichir gets full size the pictus catfish won't be safe. I would do a school of 6 Congo tetra for the surface, along with a decent sized Cichlid. Look into a Severum, Blue Acara, or maybe jewel cichlids. Make sure whatever you add that you buy them fairly large at 3-4 inches. Or you could look into buying another bichir and do a species tank you could have 2 delhezi bichir or 1 delhezi and 1 Senegal with a school of like 5 Congo tetras.

Delhezi bichirs tend to be one of the More cannibalistic bichirs so I advise against keeping them with other bichirs. They are best to be kept as a single bichir in a tank. And please don't put a Severum in a 55 gallon.
Why not put a Severum in a 55 gallon? They only get 8-10 inches and are a tall slender fish with low bioload. You can keep a Severum pair in a 55 easily. I didn't know they were cannibals but a Severum can go in a 55
They get to dinner plate size and I do not feel a 55 gallon is suitable for a Severum. Maybe like one with no other fish would work but I again wouldn't do it.
That's your opinion I feel like a 55 is sufficient that's like saying you shouldn't keep discus In a 55 which gets done successfully all the time. Severum and discus are practically the same size. You are basically saying you can't keep any 8-10 inch fish in a 55.
Thanks a lot for the feedback guys. It's a little disappointing to think the Pictus could become a meal but I guess it is a possibility. I would really like a bit of a clean up crew in there. Anyhow I'm on my way to the lfs to return the Kribs and Tiger Barbs in exchange for Congo Tetras. I'll hold off on any others tank mates until a little more research is done. The Jewel Cichlids look rad I just hope they're not even half as shy as the Kribs.
They shouldn't be I would only get 1 though. As far as a cleanup crew goes idk if one will be possible maybe a African featherfin catfish could work.
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