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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2006
California & Tokyo
I use this excel spreadsheet to keep track of the water parameters in my tank. I also use it as a reference to see how often they change. I figure i would share it with the community.

If anyone can think of something to add im open to suggestions, there are no macros in the excel file so it is safe :) I hope you can find use for it. (this is my personal site)

Let me know if anyone has issues and i can email it to you.

pretty cool, I should take the extra 10 minutes and do this myself everytime I do something to a tank, I used to, hada huge notebook full of detailed info, but then I got out of it figuring I would some day get back in the habit, the notebook is now full of drawings for my guitar rig lol
Well that is a good idea, especially for a beginner. Thanks for sharing. That is what AA is all about
That looks great. I created a similar one way back and converted it to a flow chart to see the peaks and valleys during the cycle. It makes a nice visual tool. If you need help in that, let me know.
Thanks! i saved this. I added a notes column to record what additived i put in (using stability) and meds for my hospital tank (using pima/melafix right now)

This might help me get my cycle under control.
A lot of people may wonder why you would do this at first glance, however it can be valuable. You could tell when your municipal water changes, bioload changes.....

Jchillin...That is awesome, I am going to try that.
Jchillin said:
That looks great. I created a similar one way back and converted it to a flow chart to see the peaks and valleys during the cycle. It makes a nice visual tool. If you need help in that, let me know.

I could add the functions in needed to have excel make graphs of the input numbers, i just figured the more simple i made it the more likely people would use it :)

Ill have to see if i remember how to do this *thinks*

If/When i get this updated with the ability to graph then ill post a new zip file.

This is wonderful and it's so nice of you to share with everyone.

Helpful for novices and experts alike.

Also, I always say that phrase sharing is caring, lol.
Thanks to Jchillin for modifing the excel spreadsheet, it now has a built in graph so you can visually see the changes that are happening in your waters chemistry.

The file can be obtained here

I've attached a screenshot so you can all see what it looks like.

Hope this helps everyone out, and thanks again to Jchillin for the graphing capabilities :)

I use something very similar for tracking stats with my tanks. I track a few more parameters and track dosing since they're planted tanks. There's a tab for each tank plus one for the tap water. Last but not least I have a tab that contains formulas, conversions, recipes, and any other helpful info along those lines. Definately a handy tool. By taking a moment to look at the log I can take note of any trends, double check my dosing, and get a quick idea of what's happening with my water chemistry.

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