shrimp die after molt

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 7, 2010
What causes my tiger and blue velvet shrimp to die after they molt . tank consist of Celestrial pearl danios ,tigers/velvet blue shrimp. ppm is 200 ph around 7.0. temp 74 F degrees. o nitrates and ammonia.
It is possible that the molt was unsuccessful and they perished from that. Unfortunately shrimp are very easy prey after they molt as well. Are you finding the bodies?
It's very likely that they are missing some essential minerals they need. I believe you can test for iodine since they need it to molt properly. If needed you can always supplement.
You can add minerals to the tank I have to sometimes when my minerals become too low. You can buy them at any fish store.
What do you feed your shrimp? It could be they are not getting the right nutrients.
Early on I had quite a few RCS die shortly after molting (10 of 15). I added some chunks of cuttlebone and later received some new shrimp from an AA member in NC (adults and juvees) and they are doing fine. The former ones were adults from an LFS.

GH 9 KH 5. Unfortunately I do not test Ca or TDS.

IMO younger specimens adapt better than adults and the cuttlebone appeared to help although I have no parameters to backup the latter point.
I use Fluval Shrimp Mineral Supplement in my shrimp tanks and have had no problems with them dying after a molt. Also my shrimplet survival rate has skyrocketed. I do add a small piece of cuttle bone weekly as well for added calcium.
Dragonfish~ I am very confused about how much of Fluval mineral supplement to use. How much do you use and how often? I have a bottle that came with my nano tank

Since I don't have a way to test the gh, I use 1/2 capful per water change on my tank. It's a 33g long. For my 10g I use very little, a few drops.

Honestly, I just guessed. ;)
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