Shrimp tank journal/ startup Qs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 4, 2013
I'm starting a planted shrimp tank for my sister for her birthday, so I had some questions....I've read a lot about feeding a piece of cucumber or other veggie once a week or so, what are good everyday foods for them?
Also, I know about planted tanks and their care, I have a planted 10 gal right now, and hers is gonna be the lowest of tech :)
But what are some basic shrimp care requirements/ suggestions? So far I'm planning a 5 gal with:
One largish dw
Several small and medium rocks
Java fern
Java moss
Sand substrate
Maybe a couple root feeders with tabs
Plus ferts/ water conditioner of course.
What are some other shrimp needs as far as equipment? I'll be getting a filter too, i can just put filter floss on the intake tube and the outflow to help the shrimp not get pushed around, right?

All info and suggestions welcome!
Make sure that the cucumber is blanched before you put it in there :)

Sinking algae wafers and sinking pellets made for shrimp are also good. Be aware that a "shrimp pellet" does not always mean a "pellet for shrimp" but rather "a pellet made of shrimp." haha I made that mistake once. You don't need to feed them everyday really, overfeeding can definitely cause you some issues down the road.

I can't suggest any Shrimp care, as I don't know what type of Shrimp you are getting!

Everything else sounds great, the filter intake is the only thing I would put the floss on. This will hopefully reduce the amount of small Shrimp you will suck up.
I was thinking RCS cuz they are relatively hardy, and very colorful for her. She's newer to this whole thing than I am, so I'm teaching her what I know and looking up here what I don't hahaha
Okay so not build pics yet cuz I haven't built it lol. But I got some supplies, Craigslist has been great! Got a 5 gal kit for 20 when they're like 30-40 at the store. Went to my mom n pop lfs to look at shrimp, and my sister likes the red cherries and the amanos.
We also got some black sand, and I'm planning a small slate cave.
Any advice on how often shrimp should be fed wen they have their own tank?
I usually feed my shrimp once a day and I skip about one day out of the week

If you were wondering how I feed them, I just crush a small pinch of fish flakes and spread it throughout the tank as best I can and once or twice a week I'll pop in a piece of a algae wafer and that's about it
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