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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 22, 2006
Lexington Park, MD
I just bought 1 "cleaner" shrimp (which appears to be a flower shrimp), about 2" to 2.5" long, for my 38-gallon tank. I also bought 3 tiny (1/3" to 1/2") Ghost Shrimp for my Eclipse 6 tank.

These are the first shrimp I've ever had. Acclimation went well and they seem happy in their new homes. I'll upload some pictures later! :)
Thanks! I love my digital camera, and with all the pictures I taking of my fish I'm finally learning how to use it. :)

I'm not sure about my variety of Corydoras. They have no fancy markings, and are colored like Bronze Corydoras, I think. But my largest female (which I've had since Feb. 10, 2006) is only about 2" in length, which is smaller than I think a Bronze Cory of this age would be. I'm certainly no expert, though.

Corys certainly are wonderful fish. They are playful and friendly, though mine do zip off into their caves whenever anyone walks by or up to their tank. Any motion outside the tank sets them to hiding, though they come out again very quickly when its quiet for 10-15 seconds. They remind me of little piglets rooting for truffles all the time... :)

I do still have babies and youngsters and young adults, ranging in size from about 1/3" all the wait to my 2" adults. My "shoal" (is that the right word?) of Corys is about 18 strong now (maybe as many as 24, since there are so many and my tank has a ton of caves and plants). I was worried about having so many in my tank, but bioload doesn't seem to be an issue! Whew...
My shrimp like to ride on the backs of my snails.
I bought an armoured shrimp yesterday, about 10cm long for my 150gal. Looks huge - like a mini lobster and the best thing is that they dont have any claws, they are fan feeders. :)
Im sure I will be watching him a lot in the future :D
My cleaner shrimp has spent all day today hanging on the underside of a leaf, nearly immobile... Is this normal? Is he ill, or maybe about to molt?

Tomiam, where are the pics!?!? :) Your shrimp sounds a lot like mine in appearance. They certainly are interesting and attractive critters! :)
i managed to rescue half a shrimp from my yellow chromides mouth today...

dont bother with young shrimp... even fish you wouldnt expect to eat them will
DarylF2, here is a piccy of what Ive got. Had to google an image and the image is from


He is currently sat behind a filter pipe and has been for 2 days now. I was told he was probably going to molt soon and Im guessing thats whats about to happen.

When he feeds though.. its amazing. All four arms out each one fanning the water... looks sooo amazing :)
My "cleaner" shrimp (which I think is a Bamboo shrimp) is doing terrifically well. It is so cool! It spends most of the day handing on the underside of a (Anubias congensis, usually) leaf that is in the output flow from my filter. At night he wanders the gravel bed, stumbling over my poor Corys (who don't seem to mind) and occasionally does a mad, FAST swim around the tank. Its amazing to watch! Its coloration is a lovely pale brick red color (it was a very pale grayish tan when I bought him).

I also recently got a Bamboo shrimp for my 20L, and he's very cool as well. He spends the day either in, or on top of, a cave that is in the output flow from my filter. As night he scours the gravel bed like my other shrimp, but I've never seem this one go for a wild swim. Its coloration is a dark brick red color, and it was very bland gray color when I bought him.

I lost one Ghost/Glass shrimp in my Eclipse 6 tank within a day or two of getting them, but the other two are doing very well. One is noticeably larger, and occasioanlly swims around the tank. He swims rapidly and directly toward me when I feed them their (thawed) frozen treat (mysis shimp, krill, and other yummies). He LOVES it. :)
I've developed a strong appreciation for inverts lately. I'd really like a flower shrimp, I think.
Tomiam, does that guy burrow in the substrate? My LFS showed me a shrimp (don't know if it was a true shrimp or not) that hid in the substrate. He had to dig around in the gravel to get it out and it was almost as big as his hand. It was kinda neat, but at the same time it kinda grossed me out cause it looked like a giant pill but or something, lol. Yours looks more crayfish/lobster-y than I remember the LFS one looking.
The Flower shrimp in my 20L molted overnight! :)

Should I remove the shell to keep it from decaying and fouling the tank, or will the shrimp want to eat it?
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