Shrimps do I or don't I?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 25, 2014
Kent, UK
People are always on about shrimps but I seriously know nothing about them. I know a great deal about fish but I'm really not sure on shrimp. Can people give me the pro's and con's please. I'm looking to get corys for my 65L tank but people are saying get some shrimp as well? Any idea's?

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Some shrimp sift through fish poo to collect anything that didn't get digested. They also can reach into the tiniest cracks to get food that was missed. In my tank, I feel a herd of Ghost Shrimp goes a long way to keeping things clean. Sifting through the poo breaks it down, IMO, into something the bacteria colony and plants can readily use.

I understand Amano shrimp are algae eating wonders, too.

I like how I can see what the ghost shrimp are eating, since they are clear. If their stomach is red they ate fish food, if it's green they're finding algae ... Good to know.

They're also interesting to watch. And ghost shrimp cost a few pennies. They don't live long ... However my well cycled 29 gallon never has a water chemistry problem when one dies, dunno if this is because they're so small and the other shrimp eat them or what. In fact I've almost never seen them dead, just one and I'm pretty sure I've lost about 5. Obviously dead critters should be removed if you spot them but mine just vanish.
So for keeping things clean what shrimp would you recommend?

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Moved to FW Inverts section.

Shrimp can be a lot of fun, but it also depends on what your other stock is so the shrimp don't get devoured.
Well I am aiming for the following

Dwarf gourami

Silver tips

Penguin tetras

Cardinal tetra


Flame tetra

Siamese fighter / male betta

Electric blue ram

Black phantom tetra

Black widow tetra

Ember tetra

Rummy nose tetra

Endler guppy

Female betta

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It's a bit of a numbers game. I introduced 10 full size RCS into a 60g community tank, similar fish to yours. The tank is heavily planted with lots of moss. The other morning I gave up at counting when I got to 100. Once the babies are about 5-8mm long none of the fish are bothered. They even feed side by side on sinking food pellets. I suspect the fish feast on a lot if the newly hatched shrimp but RCS breed so well that the colony is thriving. The shrimp have minimal bio loading on the tank and do a great job clearing up. They are also very watchable.
Ps. I don't have Bettas though and they do seem to have bigger mouths. They might take medium size shrimp of they can catch them. My RCS shift at an impressive rate.

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My ghost shrimp are pretty scrappy with the fish. I had nine babies at last count, and I've seen a 1/4 inch baby fight an adult dwarf gourami for some flake food. When the fish get too close to the shrimp, they just poke the fish in the belly and the fish swim right away.
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