Sick Baby Panda Corys?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 9, 2010
Hi There,

The other week I went and got some corys to add to my 55 gal tank. I got 6 corys, 3 were tiny baby pandas. They didn't look so good at the store, they weren't really swimming around but I got them anyway. Within a couple days, one died (he looked pretty battered up, his fins were torn up). Now, two are left but I rarely see them swimming around. The other 3 corys I got were adults (not pandas, I think juli) and are doing fine, swimming around like little monsters. But these two pandas, only every once in a while do I see one swimming around with the big guys. I'm afraid they're not getting enough to eat, I only saw one feeding yesterday but I'm not sure. Do you think they are sick? Or are they just not moving as much as an instinctual thing? They are pretty small, I'd say less than an inch.

Maybe they would do better once other fish are in there? So far there is only those 6 and a baby bristlenose pleco. I noticed that the bristlenose made herself more visible when the other fish were put in...

PS water parameters are fine, temp is at 76
My pandas hid when I only had three. I upped the group to six and they became much bolder. Make sure your cories are well before adding any more though.
Hm, I could definitely do that. I'm not sure how to know if they are actually sick or not, and I don't want to go back and get more if the store's ones are sick
I had the exact same issue day before yesterday. Woke up to find my dead panda.. also noticed that it didnt seem to want to school either. I'm noticing a little fin rot though, and noticed you had said you seen the tattered fins... maybe they are just more sensitive to that than other fish?
Ah! Yesterday I went out and bought 3 more, and woke up this morning to find one of the new ones dead! What does fin rot look like? Maybe they are just more sensitive?! Gah Its driving me crazy!
I'm pretty sure it is fin rot. Ammonia is at 0 but nitrate is at 161ppm. Nitrite is at 0. How often/much should I do water changes? Should I add melafix or salt?
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