Sick betta

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 21, 2013
So I had a betta set up in a 1.5 gallon glass jar/bowl. I used flora max for some substrate and a shoot of water wisteria from my other tank. I did a water change once a week. After two weeks, two water changes, the plant and substrate had some white fungus/bacteria looking stuff on them. So I did a water change and it didn't get rid of anything. Now my betta has that white fungus/bacteria stuff on it. So I took it out and put in my community tank for the time being. I'm not sure what is wrong or how to treat it. All I've read is an Epsom salt bath.

Please help!
Few pics from iPhone


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Finally got a good shot of it on the last one
I wish I could help you with what it is, hopefully someone else here will know. However I would not keep the betta in the community tank since it seems like whatever the stuff is it spreads, I wouldn't risk the possibility of it spreading to any of the fish you have in there.
Good point, looks like I have more work to do tonight. Only other container I have is a five gallon bucket
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