Sick Betta

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 11, 2005
My cousin has a sick betta and it has like a white rock type thing right before the tail fin begins

she is putting antifungal medicine in the water, the betta doesnt LOOK affected by it, but could anyone help out with what it might be?

also its just in a 1/2 gal betta bowl :?
It might be a fungus, hard to say without pics. Tell her to be very careful on the dosing for such a small bowl. Also she should change the water every day. Ideally if she could get a bigger tank, say 3 or 5 gal, that woud be much better. Fish suffer more illness when they are stressed and that bowl will cause stress.

I agree with Zagz. I've had seven bettas thus far, some housed in bowls and others in tanks. My oldest is going on 3, which is a ripe old age for a betta, and has lived since the pet store in a 2.5 gallon, filtered tank. My newest is in a 10 gallon (I had planned for him to be part of a community in my 30 but he didn't get along). The others have been in jars, all at least a gallon, a couple a bit larger, and all of them, despite scrupulous water changes, careful efforts to feed only "just enough," and etc., eventually succumbed to various ailments.

You can get a 5 gallon at WalMart for about $35, and I think it's worth the investment. 2.5 gallon aquabows would be another option, but the smaller the tank the more crucial it is to stick to a strict schedule of large water changes at least once a week.

As for the spot, it does sound like it's probably a fungus, but a photo would be helpful. My suggestion would be get the 5 gallon tank, and put the betta in, along with a plant or decoration from his bowl to help start the bacteria cycle. Otherwise leave it bare for the time being, while the fish is being medicated. Later you can move him to a bowl briefly while you decorate the tank.

well for the whole time of my fish keeping experiences it is NOT ich i know that, i have had ich and its more destructive than this the fish doesnt seem in pain but im not that fish :) lol

but anyways i dont have time to explain cause im really busy today
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