Sick Cory.....Please Help!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 21, 2014
North Carolina
Ok, so I have a peppered cory in my 16, he's in a group of 6, and he is acting up. All of the other fish are fine, but he's had this for the past week and a half or so. It started with him going up to the top and gulping enormous amounts of air, which I took as normal behavior because they do it to help their digestive tract along, but he constantly did it. He kept getting worse, and two days ago at feeding times, I saw that he couldn't even get up off of the ground! He could just waddle around and wiggle. Right now he is actually on his side, belly facing me, and breathing pretty hard. My parameters are: Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 0 to 5.0 ppm, Ammonia - 0.25 ppm, pH - 7.4. Please help as I'v head this Cory for a few years and don't want to lose him!

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