Sick fancy goldfish please help!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 18, 2013
My sister has a 39 g goldfish tank. 3 fancy goldfish and 2 dojo loaches. One of the goldfish got itself stuck down in one of the fake tree trunk decorations. She was probably stuck for at least one full day. When this was discovered my sister had to take it out and pound the bottom to get her unstuck. This was thursday. She is still alive. Sitting on the gravel. Barely swimming and not eating and she lost some color. Is there anything we can do???? The other fish are all ok.

Any advice is appreciated! Thank you.
The only thing I can think of is maybe her gills where caught bad enough that she could only breath very little, in this case, it could be badly injured. Also loss of color would point to lack of oxygen. The only thing I can think of is letting it take is easy. Keep me updated though.
Very unlucky! I use API stress-coat for damaged fins/scales from fighting, etc. Err, and from sucking a rosy barb up the gravel vac. You could try the stress-coat, I'm not aware of any bad reviews. Also if you have strong tank circulation (and if possible), you could cut that back a bit.
I would suggest the fish is extremely stressed from being trapped and then the process to free her. If the water parameters are perfect and as suggested use API Stress Coat (use double measures). As long as no internal damage was done during the freeing process then the fish should start to show some recovery in the next few days. Just closely monitor her, the goldfish can go up to around 1.5 to 2 weeks without food.
Thank you so much for the advice. I forwarded the replies to her and hopefully we can get the little fishy better. Thank you.

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