Sick Oto?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 2, 2003
So I went with dwarf puffers for my 5.5 gallon. I got 3 from AZGardens, 1 D.O.A. and a ton of cool plants. I also got a small Oto catfish. He's been sitting in one spot near the bottom of the tank for two days. Is he sick? He does not look skinny or otherwise unhealthy. Is this normal behavior? Maybe he's more nocturnal?

The 2 remaining Dwarf Puffers are doing quite well and are fantastic fish. Sloppy little pig-like blimps with personality.
Ottos are very picky eaters. If you have no algae for him to eat, you need to supplement his diet, or he may not make it. Cucumber and zuchiini are good diet supplements. You may want to try algae tabs as well - some otos will eat algae tablets, and some won't.
Otos are also schooling fish that really do better in groups, which is going to be tricky in that tank, but may explain why he is lethargic. Also, the puffers may actually kill him - they are not to be trifled with, tiny as they are. I kept a rubberlip pleco in with my puffers and they ignored him, but otos are not as tough.

I had no idea AZGardens were offering puffers now!
Your oto may not make it. A while back, when I noticed that one of my otos hadn't moved all day, I checked and sure enough it was dead. I had 2, and my remaining one hides all day, I hardly ever see him. Once in a while, I'll see him zipping around the tank in the early morning, but that's it. :(

I think I need to get him some friends. Like TankGirl said, I've recently read that they like to be in groups, which I didn't know before.

Anyway, good luck with yours, I hope he makes it.
i have an oto in my 5 gallon. he usually keeps out in the open on top of his amazon sword. but hes sometimes on the glass. theres a couple of nips in his fins but over all i think hes okay
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