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I have not yet had a chance to purchase a home water test kit. Generally speaking what are the signs your fish will give you if your levels are too high? Thanks.
Labored breathing, red/pink around gills, if you have any cories, they will most likely be surfacing to the top of the tank more often than normal. I'd definitely recommend getting a liquid test kit rather than those test strips. The test strips are a waste of money, trust me.
I'm picking up a test kit today I was just looking for some info in the meantime just in case. Thanks! Can you post a link that lists all good to bad parameter of ammonia and nitrates so that when I begin testing I know what I'm looking at! haha
Ideally you want 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0-20 nitrAtes. Nitrates aren't as harmful as the others but you will want to watch them also. If your ammonia or nitrites hits .5 ppm I'd do a PWC to get it back down. The only way to remove nitrAtes is to do a PWC or add some live plants that will consume the nitrates. Anything above, I think it was, 40ppm is potentially harmful to your fish. Prolonged exposure to high levels of nitrates can drastically shorten the lifespan of your fishy friends.
What you'll want to do is pour a glass of water from your tap, let it sit for a minute and then test it. You'll be suprised at what you find. My nitrates right from the tap is 10ppm. My tank never goes above 10ppm. I have a few live plants that help keep things balanced.
Try to get a liquid reagent test kit if possible. People seem to do better with those than the strip test kits. Takes a little more time to do but worth it IMHO.
When in doubt, change some water out. pwc's can't hurt and only bring the levels down.