Silly fish tales

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 1, 2004
just curiuos what weird incidents or humorus strange fish tales everyone has?

There has to be some odd ones out there?

Recently in our 150g we "lost" a leapord danio-

not completely surprising considering she was about 12mm long and
there are some larger inhabitants in the community tank up to 7 inches
i just figured someone got a bit aggressive end off story..
the other zebra danios ,leapord danios .giant danios tetras etc all seemed fine for a few weeks anbd wrote it off an isolated incident.

was doing filter maintenance yesterday and thers the lil girl swimming under the filter media cage in one of the aqua clear 500's
- been there for two weeks!!

put her back in as she seemed unscathed and not really acting stressed at al .., and all seems

but realized she had to go thru the intake and thru the impeller without a scratch..

anyway just figured there were similar and far stranger occurances out there.. lol

I had a female betta go through the siphon hose (the little one with the check valve from wal mart), and was swimming around in my 5 gal bucket.
A recent water change turned pretty crazy for one fish in my bro’s 5g tank (my bro is such a rookie with aquariums it’s almost pathetic…hahah….just kidding!)

I guess he had left the lid off the tank after the water change….I think Star Trek was on the T.V. so, of course, he scurries off to watch it…sort of like a moth to a flame…yah he’s a weird one.

Anyways….he comes back and notices our Golden Algae Eater on the floor….holy cow…he thought it was dead!...but the thing was still alive!....he put him back in and voila! He’s still kicking!

Chinese/golden algae eaters are REALLY tough fish…wow!

Patwa said:
I guess he had left the lid off the tank after the water change….I think Star Trek was on the T.V. so, of course, he scurries off to watch it…sort of like a moth to a flame…yah he’s a weird one.


ya ya.. my mistake was leaving the lid off..

but i wasnt watching Star Trek..(watching a movie in the middle of a water change would be irresponsible!)

i was vaccuming or somethin
i returned to the tank after abt 5mins..
i saw the algae eater on the floor.. and after abt 1 min of screaming and wailing i decided to throw him in the toilet..

so when i picked him up .. he started to move around.. so i screamed again, (hate the 'wiggly' feeling) and put him back in the tank..

and ya he's still going strong.. and still chasing my puffer all day long..

I was sitting in my tv room and heard some splasing noises a few times. So naturally I came into the living room where my two tanks are, just as I came through the door I saw a black streak hit the wall behind my 20gal aquarium. When I took a look behind the tank I found Max my red tailed black shark on the floor!!! I picked him up and returned him to the tank. He was stunned for awhile but is doing just fine to this day. He has never atempted to jump out since, and I have completley covered any spaces around my tubing in the back.
I don't have quite as a happy a story. I was filling a cup of water from my tank to thaw out some frozen food. Went to the kitchen to get the food came back and one of my neons was missing. I figured my angel had eaten it. The had been doing that, killed 4. 2 days later I found its little body 10 ft from the tank. I don't think anyone stepped on it to move it cause I walk around bare foot and didn't notice it... If the cats had gotten him he would have been gone. Poor little guy, he was headed for the toilet. All drains lead to the sea you know...
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